Ehlers to Paint for Art's A' Thirive-Inn Invitational

"Art’s A’ Thrive-Inn",The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe

5951 Linea Del Cielo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, 92067 

Cheryl Ehlers has been selected as one of the 60 artists to participate in an artist invitational, “Art’s A’ Thrive-Inn”, which will take place on the historic and truly beautiful property of The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe (Inn at RSF) in San Diego County.  The event will take place over multiple months giving a unique opportunity to exhibit creative banners at the Inn, and the community of Rancho Santa Fe.  In addition, it will also benefit, through a portion of the proceeds, The Balboa Park Conservancy, which is the non-profit of choice this year. 

The exhibition is a display of original banner art that will be placed throughout the property of the Inn at RSF for multiple months culminating in the auction that will benefit the artist and the charity. The theme is centered around 2020 and what “positivity” has come out of this unprecedented time for the artist. 

Schedule: Late January 2021 - The public can preview the completed banners on-site for a “First Reveal” display at The Inn.  Attendees may place early silent auction bids.  No host event at The Inn.

 Mid-March - Early May, 2021 - The public can enjoy themselves as they stroll through and view the artwork. If so inclined you can call in, email or text a bid on your favorite banner.

 Mid-May or early June 2021 (TBA) - Public reception at the Inn’s front lawn (socially distant) with live auction and auctioneer on the Terrace. Public bids are open.

Online viewing at Auction Guides will be printed and distributed at the Unveiling Reception, and throughout the exhibit, and online. A link will be on the Inn’s website as well as the individual artist’s websites and the Sponsors information.

Contact for Info: Cheryl Ehlers,, 760-519-1551.