The Sky’s the Limit: The Stardust Arts: A Student Art Education Program Exhibits at Civic Center Gallery, Encinitas, December 3rd to January 14th, 2016.
What a great opportunity to display the student art of The Stardust Arts program, “The Sky’s the Limit.” Over 50 student’s works from 5 schools will be on exhibit at the Civic Center Gallery, City Hall in Encinitas during the 2015 holidays and Supported by the San Dieguito Art Guild a non-profit located at 937 S. Coast Hwy, C103 in Encinitas, CA.
Though not always recognized, art education is a fundamental building block of a child’s development. Since Plato’s time, arts have been a standard component of the common curriculum. Through art, a culture defines and molds itself; and with the growth of the graphic design industry, art education plays an increasingly relevant role. Stardust Arts is a California-based, visual art education program for kids established in 2009 by its founder, Cheryl Ehlers. As the primary educator, Ehlers has reached out to over 12,600 children and is known for her unique ability to help children discover their creative side. Stardust Art brings to underserved students the development of engaging the mind to reflect creativity and visions, and apply those thoughts to creating art. Since art is a universal form of communication, the expression of thought and processing is developed, and is necessary in the further development of a student’s academic success to a well-rounded education
Ehlers created The Stardust Arts as an after school arts program for first through fifth grade students. Few opportunities for positive after school experiences exist for low income children. It It began with a generous grant from the Kenneth A. Picerne Foundation. Ehlers mission was to bring excitement to the learning process, encourage artistic perception, and teach children problems can have more than one solution. She has assisted children in developing visual and spatial organization, creativity, and in building confidence in order to succeed in life. Since 2009 12,600 students in over 19 schools, local organizations and City programs have been available through grants, making classes available to underserved students. As the primary educator, and an artist herself, she is known for her unique ability to help children discover their creative side. Ehlers believes, art education is a fundamental building block of a child’s development and that each child holds within their makeup, exceptional creative visualization, a talent that goes beyond words, and that enables one to communicate with others though form. Art education plays an increasingly relevant role in today’s society and creates a well-rounded education.
The Stardust Arts is recognized by the California State Assembly, and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors for its contributions to the San Diego County Community. It is and is part of a worldwide children’s art organization, Artsonia, and the National Educational Association.
Ehlers believes in teaching her students to “reach for the stars, and if you simply try, you can succeed at anything”., 760-519-1551.